Adwords Analytics Linking Tutorial


Google Analytics Linking Totorial

This Google Analytics linking tutorial goes straight to the nitty gritty details on how you can link an adwords account. The video also explains the Google Analytics beneficial statistics that you will be able to receive. In this Adwords linking tutorial the answer on how to link the Google Adwords platform with the Google Analytics account is given right at the begining. The presenter goes on to explain everything that Analytics can do for you. So, this is not just a linking tutorial. The Google representative shows everything that Google Analytics has to offer.

Viewing this could be a little over whealming due to the volume of information yet in the same time very reassuring that all this is absolutely free for all to use. There are companies out there that charge consumers and they have every right to do so. Yet Google offers this absolutely free! This is definately the Google must have for your usefull online traffic statistics.

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